Apple Company is one of the many companies that went through the verge of fading into nothingness and yet made an unbelievable comeback, practicing a combination of skills, marketing strategies and devices entirely different from the previous ones.
Whether revealing information deliberately to create commercials or generate buzz which stands the test of time, Apple Company without a doubt is considered an advanced marketing company.
Apple’s series of iPhone is popular all over the world because of being a sophisticated and revolutionary phone. Like any other product of Apple, the marketing strategy is simple and straightforward yet intelligent.
The undemanding and plain Apple icon allows clients to see clearly that they are trading with a reputable brand, and at the same time, without being too dominant and full of fuzz like other company logos. Apple Company launched iPhone some time in April 2007 and from then on, the phone turned out to be the most desired phones all over the world.
The Launch
With regard to marketing strategy of Apple, this is a company which works consistently on being on the foremost edge. When the company first decided to take on the computer world, they make a Super Bowl advertisement directed by famous director Ridley Scott. That time, Scott had just completed directing Blade Runner which become an in demand property.
In Apple computer commercial, there was a young gorgeous woman with a massive sledgehammer crushing it into a huge television screen, swimming the bald headed drones captivated by the screen in a sparkling white light.
Then the advertisement broadcasted the release information of Apple Macintosh computer. The advertisement generated extensive buzz and was voted by Ad Age as the Commercial of the Year.
Television Commercials
Prior to the official release of Apple’s series of iPhone, the Company ran four commercials on televisions all over United States, in United Kingdom and other countries where their items are popular.
The advertisements portrayed the iPhone as the subsequent step up from iPod which by now a popular gadget that attracted instantly the interest of iPod fanatics. The advert iPhone also detailed additional features which come with Smartphone which include the capability to find an online seafood restaurant and then utilize the same gadget to order meal from there.
Despite of various television advertisements, one of the effective marketing strategies of Apple is by means of releasing plenty of brief press releases. At that time, Apple Company in fact were doing very well with the huge success of iPod and therefore took their moment to release small pieces of information in every release.
The details could have all been unrestricted in one go however by simply officially stating small bits of details at a time this result to the rumors regarding the product being bug-hence free publicity was provided for the product, and a lot of people were excited to purchase the iPhone when it was finally presented on the public.
Target Market or Audience Share
The target market for the iPhone was men under 35 years old. This is a smart marketing strategy of Apple. The Company believes that just about 50 percent of these individual did not possess an iPod, instead they prefer to purchase the iPhone.
Not only the young men who become fascinated with this iPhone also the women were also become interested. On initial release, iPhone can be obtained with a least price of $499; the clients for the phone were jet-setters, small business employers and businessmen. When the cost decreased students and teenagers were also become the large buyers of the iPhone.
iPhone Applications
By the time Apple presented the iPhone to the public, they did an amazing thing on a big scale which had only been done previously on a smaller scale applications. The difference of various iPhone applications on hand opened up the prospective audience significantly, and the decision to just select applications which the person liked helped to accomplish this.
Apple Company for all intents and purposes claimed that there is a specific application for everybody and imposed this claim through the functionality which the iPhone could also provide.
When Apple presented the iPhone to the public it has a minimum price of $499 which is very expensive and it was only the businessmen who have the capability to purchase the item. When the company reduced the cost this is the time when the phone becomes a huge success all over the world and still continuing.
The promotional campaign as well as the marketing strategy really started to pay off as students and various walks of life took benefit of the latest technology of the iPhone.
Customer Satisfaction
The most excellent marketing strategy apple uses is providing the clients an experience unlike some other. Apple electronic products are attractive aesthetically and seem to possess an edge which other products do not have. Aside from this, once you drop by in any Apple store, the staffs have been trained specifically to be professional in all Apple things. This offers a customer satisfaction and the reason why they build customer loyalty and trust. This is a marketing strategy of Apple that no one can beat.
Developers and Applications
In some ways, there are persons who are not satisfied with the certain marketing strategy of Apple.
A number of developers are not amazed that applications developed for the App Store of Apple gadget have to undergo rigorous approval procedure to be accepted. On the other hand marketing strategy of Apple Company main objectives is to let developers to earn from their designs, while keeping ultimate control to maintain the higher standard of the company.
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